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Here you can find the list of the requirements (R) and competency questions (CQ) identified for the SolarChem Network of ontologies.

Identifier Requirement or Competency Question
R1 Articles have title, year, journal, issue, abstract, volume and author
R2 Each article may refer to one or more experiments
R3 Each experiment must have a catalyst
R4 Each experiment may have additional inputs apart from the catalyst
R5 Each experiment must specify surface area and band gap
R6 An experiment must indicate operation conditions, including temperature, pressure, reaction time, medium and operation mode
R7 Photocatalysis experiments may also indicate type of reactor
R8 Electrocatalysis and Photoelectrocatalysis experiments may also indicate electrochemical configuration
R9 Photocatalysis and Photoelectrocatalysis experiments must indicate the light source used, including type of light, lamp, wavelength, irradiance and power
R10 TiO2 catalysts must indicate crystal structure
R11 Medium reaction must be either gas or liquid
R12 When reaction medium is liquid, the pH value must be indicated
R13 Operation modes must be either batch or continuous
R14 When the operation mode is continuous, the spacial speed value must be indicated
R15 Each experiment may have one or more outputs
R16 When the light source is not solar or solar simulation, the wavelength must be indicated
R17 An experiment may provide conversion metrics, quantum efficiency metrics and electrochemical metrics
CQ1 How many experiments are reported per year?
CQ2 How many experiments are reported per country?
CQ3 How many experiments are there per type of catalyst?
CQ4 Which articles have been published in the ACS NANO Journal in 2018 in volume 229?
CQ5 Which experiments use TiO2 as catalyst, liquid medium an produce H2 as output?
CQ6 Which experiments use TiO2 as catalyst, liquid medium and produce the most H2 output in µmol/gh?